Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Microsoft Will Issue Out-of-Band Patch to Solve IE Hole

Microsoft is going to release an out-of-band patch to solve the "Aurora" vulnerability. This was the problem which has has struck Internet Explorer. This patch would be released on Wednesday

It has also been mentioned in company's statement that , so far, "very limited, and in some cases, targeted attacks" have been made against Internet Explorer 6. Microsoft had previously concluded that Internet Explorer 6 for Windows XP and Windows 2000 was vulnerable, and also the same issue was found with IE7 on Windows XP and Vista.

It was Aurora vulnerability, the unknown attackers used to hit Google and a number of other Internet companies; those attacks were originally blamed on a hole in Adobe's products, but were later applied on Internet Explorer.

This confusion on the issue prompted the out-of-band patch, George Stathakopoulos, general manager of Trustworthy Computing Security, mentioned in a blog post.

“After giving a significant level of attention this issue has generated, confusion among the customers to protect themselves and the escalating threat environment Microsoft will release a security update out-of-band for this vulnerability," Stathakopoulos mentioned .

"We take the decision to go out-of-band very seriously given the impact to customers, but we believe releasing an update out-of-band update is the right decision at this time," Stathakopoulos added.

Obviously, Microsoft will continue to recommend users to update their browser to Internet Explorer 8, a practice that some businesses may have not taken because of their dependence on older Web applications.

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